1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the thehappyfamily.stream moderators.

  1. This Machine Kills Fascists! We here at the Happy Family DO NOT support fascism, Nazism, imperialism or any kind of far-right ideology in any form! Anyone promoting them or using their imagery in a proselytizing manner will be banned!
  2. Be kind to others! Anti-BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), sexist, ableist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic views will not be tolerated. Use of racial or offensive slurs will get you banned.
  3. Be kind to yourself! Please avoid using self-deprecating language regarding yourself or your works. Language and how we use it is important, please be mindful of how you speak about yourself.
  4. NSFW is OK within reason! We allow R18/NSFW images, but all such content must be tagged as sensitive, and you should add CWs as necessary. If you repeatedly fail to mark said post as sensitive, we will make your account enforced-sensitive.
  5. Creators are welcome! Artists, musicians, writers & artisans are welcome to engage with the community regarding their craft, just don’t make advertising posts for the sake of purely promoting a commercial product or service.
  6. Well ran & corpo free Fedi! This server abides by the Mastodon Server Covenant (joinmastodon.org/covenant). We are also a proud signer of the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact (fedipact.online) as well as actively block Meta Threads and connections there of.
  7. This server is volunteer run! If you would like to help defray hosting/server costs, you can send funds to Admin Mini: (ko-fi.com/ministryofennuicontrol) Just say it’s for the Mastodon server!